We welcome reviews from our valued customers who have ordered mosaic tile products from us, the following are a just small selection of genuine, unsolicited testimonials received from satisfied customers.
- I am so impressed and very grateful!. Thanks v much. AM
- Nowhere have I received such wonderful help as you gave me. You are a credit to your company and I am sure responsible for good business. Again thank you for an excellent – not often found – service. PW
- I just wanted to say thank you for the free sample which arrived today. I have just made a purchase through Paypal for 3 sq metres and look forward to receiving them. Absolutely perfect to show off my new kitchen.Thank you for providing this fab service! JP
- My order was delivered on Wednesday….The tiles are lovely and look exactly as they did on the website. I just wanted to thank you for sending free of charge the remainder of your stock as well (4 sheets). This was a very kind thought which is much appreciated. AB
- Thank you very much for the delivery. Very pleased with service and the mosaic CS
- Just placed my order on line. Great website! CP
- I’m really happy with my order. Thanks for the speedy delivery – it’s just what I’ve been looking for. PP
- May I say how pleased we are with the prompt delivery. No sooner had I read your second e mail saying our order was progressing than the delivery man was knocking at the door – thank-you! We are delighted with the lovely tiles, can’t wait to see them on the wall!! Thanks PA
- I had no trouble fixing the paperfaced tile, I don’t know what I was worried about. The service I received from your company has been great and I will recommend you to others. CD
- Thank you Christine, marvellous service. I shall definitely be recommending The Mosaic Company. PW
- Just to say how helpful your staff were when I was placing the order over the phone. Thank you. AL
- Great products and ultra fast delivery. Strongly recommended. GA
- Thank you so much for the mosaic tiles. Perfect! I was very impressed with the service you gave me. I will recommend you to everyone! PB
- Fantastic value and great service. Thank you. JD
- Best value on the web by far! WM
- Great product and brilliant service. Highly recommended. LV
- Fantastic value and very professionally packed. Thanks! VB
- Hi there,Thanks for your very efficient service.Mary
- I cant believe such good value and how well packed they were at the price. Brilliant! JE
- Just to let you know they have arrived safely! Thank you so much!! They are all very beautiful. I am working with a fabulous mosaic artist this weekend to create a mermaid on my shower wall. At least I have great materials to work with. Thanks again for being so speedy with the order. JH